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a gallery of streams of introspection

Jamilah W.
"A lot of the insecurities that I look back on that were such a big part of my life, now are some of the favorite things about myself."

Translucent Part IJamilah
00:00 / 04:07

Kurman Lam
"... I care a little too much sometimes. I really, really want to be a likeable person."

Translucent Part IIKurman
00:00 / 05:00

Noelle Gordillo
"I'm starting to learn about what's normal for me, and that it's okay to not look like everyone else..."

Translucent Part IIINoelle
00:00 / 05:24
Seren Cho

"I don't think [my insecurities] will ever go away completely, but I hope that one day I'll be able to coexist with them."
Translucent Part IVSeren
00:00 / 04:48

Paige Thimmesch
"I know that separating myself from those identities [being woman and being a straight woman] will make me accept my body more, and embrace everything I think is weird about it."

Translucent Part VPaige Thimmesch
00:00 / 05:47
"You should definitely have people to be there and help you. [They can] act as motivation to help you feel better about yourself."

Ricardo Soriano Jr.
Translucent Part VIRicardo
00:00 / 05:17

"And to think, I was born in this body, I will end my life in this body, and it will help me out everywhere in-between, it's hard to remember it's more about what people see. It literally keeps us going and keeps us doing the things we love. "
Elisa Pitts

Translucent Part VIIElisa
00:00 / 06:06

"I've been trying to separate myself from my insecurities and not let what I'm insecure about define who I am."
J. Faith Malicdem

Translucent Part VIIIFaith
00:00 / 09:38
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