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"Translucent" is a multimedia introspective gallery featuring vulnerable testimonies from young adults across varying racial backgrounds and body types. The testimonies exhibit each subject's experience with their body image and insecurities.
The aim of this project is to emphasize the significance of open discussions on body image and insecurities. Being vulnerable and addressing difficult subjects such as these will further normalize the acknowledgement of hindrances in growth and self-confidence. Essentially, in publishing these testimonies, I hope they help you realize you aren't alone.
These stories aren't mine to share, and to honor that, other than editing out the audio with my voice (when I ask interview questions), cutting out filler words and lulls in the interviews, the testimonies have not been edited or condensed unless the subject has requested I do so.
In addition, I asked each subject to provide with me photos in which they felt most confident in themselves. This way, the beauty of vulnerability, as provided by the testimonies, and the beauty of confidence, as provided by the photos, are made apparent.
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