The PieFaces
Get to Know Us!
Meet The Team

J. Faith Malicdem
J. Faith Malicdem is the creator of the PieFace Column. She is currently studying journalism as a freshman at Emerson College. Aside from writing, she has many creative outlets, including photography and music-making. She hopes you enjoy the work presented on this platform, and is tired of talking in the third person.

Tatum Jenkins
Editor & Writer
Hello! This is Tatum Jenkins (she/her/hers) and she’s a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major with a minor in Podcasting, Radio, and Streaming Media at Emerson College. She firmly believes in telling people you love them at any time of the day and in the power of a good Spotify playlist. She’s an intensely emotional person who talks too much for anyone to believe she’s a writer. She hopes to contribute music-related essays and other work that connect with readers on this platform as well as edit pieces by our insanely talented team.

Seren Cho
Editor & Writer
Seren Cho is a sophomore VMA major at Emerson College in Boston. With a love of writing and a background in journalism, Seren is so excited to be a part of PieFace! Seren hopes to help people in their creative processes and contribute meaningfully to the work she completes. When she’s not writing and starting new projects, Seren can be found watching Netflix or playing Animal Crossing.

Brynn O'Connor
Editor & Writer
Brynn is a Freshman Journalism major who has been dreaming of her time at Emerson since she was 12 years old! She's loved to write ever since she was taught how to, and it has been her preferred creative outlet, one kept hidden up until now. Brynn is unsure as to what kind of writing she'd like to pursue in the future, and she is currently testing the waters with personal, blog-like essays! She is both nervous and excited to upload her writing to a public platform, and can't wait to see where it takes her.

Paige Thimmesch
Sam Hwang
Blythe Graziano
Video Liaison & Writer
Graphic Designer
Paige is so excited and honored to be a contributor to PieFace Column. They are a journalism major at Emerson College, and are interested in investigative journalism, specifically about the environment and social justice. Hopefully, the things they write about make sense, but, either way, they hope to inspire at least one person (hi mom!) who reads their columns to pursue new experiences, like they have been with writing for PieFace.
Sam is a part of the Editing team at PieFace, and uses they/them pronouns. They are currently studying creative writing at Emerson College, and plan to use the skills they have gained in poetry workshops to help edit creative submissions. As a frequent attender of protests, they hope to edit pieces on social issues as well. In addition to being an editor, Sam identifies as an artist, and is passionate about photography (@samhwangphotography on Instagram) and writing. In joining PieFace, Sam is excited to learn from the other creatives involved, with the ultimate goal of better understanding and then challenging societal inequities through their craft.
Blythe is a Communication Design major at Parsons School of Design in New York City. She is so excited to be joining the PieFace team. She is passionate about art, social justice, and anything involving movies and TV. She hopes to use design to create a a cohesive aesthetic for PieFace. Blythe believes art and design are great ways to provide information and leave an impact on people, and she hopes her contributions to PieFace will accomplish that.
Meet The Contributors

Marques Taus
Marieska Luzada
Faith Bugenhagen
Writer & Poet
Marques is an aspiring writer in hopes of making a name for myself in the writing community. He grew up in a literature oriented family and is currently in high school. His many interests include sports and political subjects, as well as his newfound interest in introspect. Marques' biggest hope for my writing is to form a connection with the reader, to have the reader form an experience in their mind after reading his work.
Marieska is honored to be a part of PieFace, and she plans to use it as a platform to express herself in any way, shape, or form. Whether it’s a journalistic piece or just an emotional brain dump, she hopes her readers walk away from her writing hoping to start new conversations and have new thoughts about topics they've never thought about.
I am the [other] Faith on this site, I dare say the [inferior] Faith *cue Faith’s disapproving head shake,* and I am so happy to be apart of PieFace. I am baby, I am also Katie from Horton Hears a Who. I love everything about my life, I have the most amazing people in it and the most amazing experiences. I want to write pieces that shake people up, that make them feel like they could find comfort in me, and I want to write pieces that hold significance to others.

Noelle Gordillo
Kait Joyner
Megan Quirk
Writer & Photographer
Writer & Podcaster
Kait Joyner is a student at Emerson College in Boston. She is currently a writing, literature and publishing major with a photography minor. As a photographer and writer for PieFace, Kait uses imagery and metaphors a little too much for her own good. Her love of shadows, refracted light, and warm colors is painstakingly obvious. She hopes to make PieFace an even more nostalgic, dream-like, cathartic platform through her art.
Noelle is finally here and is oh, so happy about being a PieFace contributor—she could just sing! As founder Faith’s freshman year roommate and an avid lover of music, film, and people, Noelle thinks this column is a perfect fit for her. Being a Business of Creative Enterprises major at Emerson College, Noelle (likes to think she) knows a lot about how to tell a story. She hopes her introspective pieces bring you comfort in knowing you’re not alone in your existentialism, while her Musical Memories podcast makes you feel nostalgic, while also giving you a good giggle. Happy browsing!
Megan is currently a freshman creative writing major at Emerson College and an aspiring screenwriter. She runs an instagram dedicated to her poetry and prose @manicpixiepoems, and her writing acts as a form of therapy. She hopes to someday write enough poems that she no longer cries at children movies. Megan is beyond is excited to be apart of PieFace and the rest of its talented team!

Erin Thomson
Writer & Poet
Erin is a second year Liberal Arts Major at The New School in New York City! She hopes to pursue writing novels and poetry collections as well as curating for museums in the future. She believes that a writer should be honest. Erin strives to give her readers an experience that they will remember and hold onto for the rest of their lives.

Kass Hudson
Writer & Filmmaker
Kass is a second year student at Virginia Commonwealth University located in Richmond, Virginia. While she currently has not chosen a major, she is hoping that being a part of PieFace and creating will help her to pave a path towards deciding what she wants to pursue. She enjoys filmmaking and writing, and has a major soft spot for editing scores and music into videos and films. She hopes to meet other creators and become inspired by their art, and to do the same for others through her work.

Jamilah Williams
Illustrator & Writer
Jamilah is first-year English major at Richland College in Richardson, Texas. She hopes to pursue a career as an English teacher, inspiring kids to enjoy reading and writing. As one of the first writers for Pie Face, she’s excited to make a comeback, giving a platform to her more introspective and emotional side.

Lorelei Taybi
Lorelei is a freshman Political Science major at UC Davis. As an illustrator, she hopes to create eye-catching but accessible pieces that complement the engaging writing of the PieFace team.

Christine Park
Illustrator & Writer
Christine is a sophomore Journalism major with a minor in Business at Emerson College. Her friends like to call her “egg” since she resembles one most of the time (This is also the topic she decided to write about for her essay that got her into Emerson. She loves listening to Harry Styles, baking gooey chocolate chip cookies, and hanging out with her friends, whether it’s through FaceTime or socially distanced hangouts.

Nadezhda Ryan
A long-time fan of PieFace, Nadezhda is grateful to be a part of this team of talented artists. She is a student at Emerson College in Boston studying film production, but is interested in pursuing a versatile career in the arts that also includes photography, illustration, animation, and writing. Through her art, she hopes to capture the beauty of everything that defines our generation and try to make sense of the chaos of the world that we have inherited.

Cece Meddock
Cece uses they/them or she/her pronouns and is a photographer for PieFace! She finds photography to be an often overlooked art form, especially when it comes to photojournalism, which she has a passion for. Cece is deeply invested in social justice issues and politics, and her art usually reflects that.

Grace Hwang
Grace is a junior Creative Writing major at Emerson College. She's been drawing for as long as she can remember and hopes to do so for the rest of her life. She's from South Korea, and she's lived in Switzerland, Seoul, Tokyo, NYC, Santiago de Chile, and is currently in Boston! Home for her is the lovely people in her life and the arts that surround her. She hopes that others can find home in her art.