On days that my white rose tea
Tastes like perfume
Because I’ve let it steep a little too long—
Because I’ve let myself sit for a little too long
On those days,
I commit to life.
I plead loyalty to days
In which tea is warm
And life brings chills up my arms
Like a thousand butterflies
Perched upon me
Protecting me
Loving me.

Sisel Gelman was born and raised in Mexico City until she moved to Alaska after high school and wrote her first novel. Her writing has been published three times in the international literary magazine "Repentino." and she attended the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference during the summer of 2019. Sisel is currently studying at Emerson College in Boston, where she is majoring in Creative Writing while in the Honors Program.
IG: @siselgelman
Blog: medium.com@siselgelman