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Examining Your First Data Set: City of Boston's Food Establishment Licenses data

Writer: Johanna Faith MalicdemJohanna Faith Malicdem
  • Who collects this data set? If it's an organization, which department of the organization? Is there a specific person listed who you could contact?

This data set was published by Boston's Department of Innovation and Technology, but it can be assumed that the Health Division of the Department of Inspectional Services, as they are the ones responsible for reviewing licensing among greater Boston area restaurants. There is a contact email listed,, which ensures that any data analysts or journalists can call and ask clarifying questions.

  • Why do you think the organization collects this data? Does it specify how it uses the data?

According to the website, "The Health Division of the Department of Inspectional Services (ISD) creates and enforces food safety codes to protect public health." This organization specifically collects data because they are probably trying to track the amount of restaurant businesses that have filed licenses with the city officially, in addition to protecting public health. The ISD does not specify how data is utilized.

  • What time period does the data set cover?

It covers all of the restaurants licensed from December 2006 to "current," but the website does not specify when "current" is.

  • What are some questions you have about this data set? (Note: they can be basic like "why is this data being collected?" or very specific like "what does the field BUS_LIC_STATUS mean?")

There are so many acronyms and unrecognizable terms used as categories in the data sets such as "DBA Name," "License CAT," "LicenseAddDtTm," and "dayphyn" which make it difficult to digest as a data journalism amateur, but I am unable to find a key to what these mean. So, my first question would be, what exactly is the purpose of all of these categories, and why are they named the way they are? Another question that arises is why ISD won't account for restaurants that aren't licensed. Why didn't those food establishments not meet the requirements? What are the requirements for passing the requirements and meeting the standards?

  • Who are three types of people you could interview about this data set in order to learn more?

A food establishment owner who is licensed, one who isn't, and a person who works for ISD.



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